Jacques Le Flaguais


Born in France, Jacques Le Flaguais eventually made it to Montreal in the 1948. He designed cartoons for the New Yorker, Reader’s Digest and contributed to the Montreal Weekend Magazine.

In the 1950s TCA (Trans-Canadian Airlines) commissioned Le Flaguais to produce a variety of travel posters for destinations serviced by the airline.

Edgar Derouet


Charles Lesaqc


This duo helped create many iconic art deco style posters during the 1930s for the French National Lottery (Loterie Nationale).

Derouet was selected by France to create a campaign for the Loterie Nationale because of his well-known reputation as a graphic artist. In his earlier days, Derouet studied with well-known poster artists Paul Colin and George Hamel, allowing him to further perfect his illustration technique. Derouet won an award for Best Poster of the Year in 1936 and was featured at the International Exposition in Paris, France in 1937.